Straighten Your Teeth With Invisalign® Braces

InvisalignInvisalign® braces can help you straighten your most stubborn teeth. The Invisalign® technology is an improved, attractive alternative method of teeth straightening as opposed to the undesirable option of braces. With the same straightening power of braces, Invisalign® has more to offer you in the areas of aesthetic value and convenience. Do not hesitate to straighten your teeth because you do not want to deal with the unattractive hassle of metal braces when we can offer you a better, more beautiful way to straighten misaligned teeth.

What are Invisalign® braces?

Invisalign® is a cutting edge process that allows us to straighten patients' teeth without the distracting aspects of metal braces. We can provide patients with a strong plastic aligner that is so clear most people call it invisible. We personalize each aligner to fit the needs of the individual patient's teeth. Each patient will receive a new aligner every two weeks that will gradually straighten the misaligned teeth. People will barely be able to tell you are wearing the aligner. The most effective and efficient way to achieve the best results is to wear the aligner for at least 20 hours a day, only removing it to eat and brush one's teeth.

Are Invisalign® braces cost effective?

We will help patients to determine the best treatment route for their finances. Invisalign® is very cost effective, and most insurance companies will help to cover the costs. Over time, patients will save money because we will help correct the misaligned teeth to create teeth that are so straight they will not harbor bacteria nor cause dangerous conditions for oral health.

Will I need to wear a retainer after my treatment?

Whether or not one needs to wear a retainer will depend on how misaligned the teeth are, prior to the procedure. We usually encourage everyone to wear a retainer after treatment just to ensure the longevity of newly straightened teeth. A retainer will not be necessary at all times, mainly just as one sleeps. We will let an individual know how essential a retainer may be for oral health.

Will I wear my aligner during mealtimes?

Patients need to remove their aligner any time they eat, even if it is just for snacking. Any unnecessary pressure on the aligner can risk damaging it. Food particles can also get caught in the aligner if patients place it in without cleaning the teeth first. If the patient is in a convenient location, it is truly best to brush the teeth before putting the aligner back. Do not forget also to clean the aligner daily with clean water and a toothbrush. No toothpaste is necessary for the cleaning process.

Invisalign® braces can offer you a seamless straightening journey with the Invisalign® technology. You will be able to display your teeth proudly during and after your treatment. You won't have to worry about unattractive or uncomfortable braces. We know you will enjoy wearing your aligners, and you will be thrilled with the results that follow.

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American Dental Association
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