Dental Implant FAQ’s in Jenkintown

Dental ImplantsWhen it comes to receiving an implant as a dental replacement, you may be interested in hearing some of our most common dental implant FAQ's in Jenkintown. These are frequently asked questions that our office receives concerning all aspects of our dental implants. When you desire to learn more about the implant process and how your dental implant will work, reading our answers may help you become more informed.

Q: What is a dental implant, and how does it work?

A: A dental implant is a rod-like artificial tooth root made of titanium. This titanium rod will be implanted into your jawbone where your missing tooth root was. Titanium is biocompatible and will eventually osseointegrate, or “fuse,” with your bone. After the implant fuses, your fabricated tooth replacement will be created, and your dental implant will be as strong as, if not stronger than, your other teeth.

Q: Will the dental implant procedure be painful?

A: We prepare the area to be worked on with anesthetics prior to beginning the procedure. We will also employ the use of anesthesia during the surgery to eliminate any potential discomfort. You should not experience pain. Following the procedure, you may notice some tenderness, but pain relievers can be suggested to help with this discomfort.

Q: What can I eat and drink following dental implant surgery?

This is one of our most common dental implant FAQ's in Jenkintown. Following dental implant surgery, you should avoid chewing near the implant site if possible. You should also make it a point to eat soft foods that will not hurt the area if you happen to accidentally chew on the site. Stay hydrated too, but avoid drinks that could burn the already sensitive area. We will supply you with a longer list of what you should and should not eat following your dental implant surgery.

Q: How long will it take for my dental implant to fully heal and be operational?

A: The total amount of time it takes to complete your dental implantation varies depending on how quickly you heal. In most cases, it will take two to six months for the area to be fully functional. It takes a few months because your implant rods will need time to fuse to the surrounding bone for a permanent structure. We will check this progress periodically. Once the implant seems to have fused correctly, we place a tooth replacement onto the implant rod that acts as a tooth root.

Q: Is dental implant surgery common?

A: The dental implant procedure is incredibly common, occurring over half a million times per year. The results are successful over 95 percent of the time in patients, which is one reason dental implants are encouraged as the most permanent and functional tooth replacement treatment.

We hope our answers have accurately described the dental implant procedure and how dental implants work. These dental implant FAQ's in Jenkintown are only a few we receive on a daily basis. To learn more about how dental implants can benefit you, contact our office.

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