Visit MVP Family Dental for a Dental Cleaning and Examinations

Dental Cleaning and ExaminationsWhen you visit MVP Family Dental for a dental cleaning and examinations, we will take the time to get to know you and the concerns you have for your health and the appearance of your smile. We have a variety of dental solutions we can use to correct everything from a toothache to gum disease and a chipped tooth. Whether you are concerned that your gums may be receding or you do not like a gap in between your teeth, let us know. We will be happy to come up with a customized treatment plan to address these issues.

During your appointment, we will conduct a physical examination, along with taking x-rays, so we can see the condition of your tooth structure and jawbone. This will help us determine if you are suffering from resorption, need a root canal, or simply need to have your teeth cleaned. By cleaning your teeth twice a year, we can decrease your risk of getting cavities and help keep you healthy so you do not require any further dental care. Ongoing preventative care can help to make this possible, but it requires consistency on your part.

During a dental cleaning and examinations, MVP Family Dental will also check the enamel on your teeth to look for signs of erosion. Your teeth only have a set amount of enamel. Over time, that enamel can wear away, exposing the porous dentin underneath. Your nerve endings are contained here, and without a protective layer of enamel, you can experience sensitivity and discomfort while eating or drinking. There are solutions like desensitizing toothpaste that can help, but this is only a temporary measure. If your enamel is eroded, the only way to permanently solve the problem is with a dental restoration. We can use dental bonding or a dental crown to help protect your tooth and reduce or eliminate the sensitivity. Keep in mind that you do not need to treat all of your teeth. If the enamel has worn away on only one or two, we can address those ones only, so no unnecessary dental work has to be done. As a benefit, any restoration we complete can be made to look natural and blend in with the surrounding teeth. That way, no one can tell which teeth were ever damaged or restored.

While performing a dental cleaning and examinations, MVP Family Dental also look for signs of oral cancer. This is incredibly important because it is difficult to see the inside of your mouth, making early detection next to impossible without the help of a professional. We can look for signs such as red and white bumps or rough patches that could be indicative of cancerous cells. One person dies every day from oral cancer, and early detection is the key to defeating the disease. With that in mind, if you smoke, chew tobacco, drink a lot of alcohol, are exposed to a lot of sun, or have the HPV virus, you need to have an oral cancer screening once per year. Fortunately, we can incorporate this into your dental exam, making it easy to do both at the same time.

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